Monday, November 2, 2009

Summer Fun

What can I say? I'm a lazy blogger. Mostly because I never take pictures and really that's the best part about a blog. So, since it's October, I figured I better catch up on the summer stuff. We mostly worked this summer but there were a few fun things mixed in. We went boating a few times with our good friends Tyler and Natalie (no pictures, of course) and I got to go rafting on the Payette with the Mia Maids which was super fun (again, no pictures). But I did take a few photos so here's a short recap.

My sister, Marcia, and her boys, Ayden and Brady, came to visit my parents. So, Ben and I drove down to spend a day with them.

This is one of the few times I could get them to both face the camera at the same time. Ayden was not too happy about having his picture taken and Brady was in his own happy world.

We went to Shoshone Falls and it was amazing this year. Ayden kept calling the mist "fire" and somewhere he picked up the phrase, "Oh my goodness, this is terrible!" so the whole drive down the canyon he was saying that.

The 4th of July was fun as usual. We went to good old Middleton and got to sit right under the fireworks. The best part was that halfway through the sprinklers came on! At first, all we heard was the noise. It was a familiar sound but we couldn't quite place it and even after we started feeling little drops of water hitting us it still took a second to register. It was funny to see 30 people scrambling to get off their blankets and save their belongings. I've never seen Ben's dad move so fast!

This picture was when it was all over. We were still glistening a little.

Ben's sister, Tiffany, and her family visited this summer from South Carolina and to start their vacation off right we all went camping at Baumgartner Campground.

We were right on the Boise River and it was freezing!!! We jumped in but it was the kind of cold that hurts so we had to jump right back out. It was fun though!

We took a little walk on the nature trail they had near our camp. It was beautiful and this tree was my favorite part. It was really old and really leaning.

There were a few more undocumented (by me) adventures:

My friends Tiffany and Chris came to visit on their Temple Tour.

We went camping for Labor Day with Ben's family.

I got a new job - not really a picture taking moment but definitely worth a mention.

And my parents went to the Azores for 3 weeks! (OK, so that one has nothing to do with me but I did get a postcard so, I feel like I have the right to mention it).

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Memorial Day

Every Memorial Day Ben's family goes camping at Swinging Bridge Campground and luckily we've been able to go the last 3 years. Pam (Ben's mom) always reserves 3 spots right next to each other months in advance so that we have enough room for everyone. Some of us set up our tents and stay the whole weekend and others come up to visit just for the day.
This year was a little different...
Pam reserved the spots but the camp host decided he didn't want to do his job and never put up the reserved signs for us. When we got there 2 of our spots were taken. Of course we went searching for the camp host but he was no where to be found. Ben and I ended up driving back to Eagle to print off proof that we had reserved the spots but we got back late so we decided to wait until morning to figure everything out. The first night we had 7 people and 4 dogs sleeping in 1 camper. It was... cozy. The next morning Ben and his dad went everywhere they could think of to find a camp host or ranger but there was no one and when we showed the people in our spots the proof that we had reserved the spots MONTHS ago they flat out said that they didn't care and weren't leaving... I guess I shouldn't have been shocked to encounter such rude people but I was.
The only thing we had going in our favor was that Aunt Donna and Uncle Rob weren't able to make it this time so there weren't as many of us as usual. After deciding that the other campers were a waste of time we made the best of our vacation and had a good time.

Grandpa and Grandma came on Sunday morning for breakfast.

Bob, Pam, Peanut and Megan
These are a few pictures from the hike we went on.

Peanut and Oscar

Our nephew, Hendrick
Ben broke yet another pair of sunglasses...
It was a great trip as always and I look forward to when we go back for Labor Day weekend.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Claudia's Birthday BBQ

My parents decided to come to Eagle for my birthday so I decided, last minute, to make a party out of it. And here are my lovely guests...

Kyle, Pete, Corki, and Chrissy - Kyle was soo surprised that I took a picture!

Pam and Bob sampling the delicious food.

Kimmie and Zak posing. Well maybe just Kimmie was posing...

Parker, Natalie, and Tyler. This picture is so Pooley!

Mom and Dad after all their hard work cooking for us :D

Me and Ben after the festivities were over.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Come What May, and Love It

“My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;
“And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes.” D&C 121: 7-8

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Latest Puppy Pix

"Fatty" right before he decided to pee on the couch.

Peanut's last picture. She's off to live with her new mommy :)

Archie right before he left for his new home.

And then there's Oscar...

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Doggy Pile

We decided to "adopt" two weiner dogs so they wouldn't get sent to the pound. Quigley...

and Reese. Little did we know Quigley was a dog on a mission.

Mission Accomplished.





Here they are when they were a couple of weeks old. Peanut (on the left) is going to live with Ben's mom. We're keeping Oscar. "Fatty" is going to live with my friend Kimmie's mom and Archer is already with his new family- Ben's brother.
They're a handful but they're so fun to watch grow and play.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Our Last Morning Walk
Our Last Sunset

The Aquarium

Multnomah Falls

These guys were so cute we went back another day and saw them.

We had to hike up and down mountainsides to get to this lighthouse, on gravel and dirt paths, in the rain. When we got there... it was locked! They don't even let people in after all the hard work to get there.
I would move to Oregon for the caterpillars alone.
Haystack Rock, Cannon Beach


So, it looks like I finally figured out how to create a blog. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing! I've been hesisitant to start one because, well, our life is just not that exciting. I guess our visitors will just have to be ok with being bored :) I'll post some pictures of the recent goings-on just so we'll have something for everyone to look at.